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What Is the Spring Constant K of the Spring Being Tested for the Baby Bouncer

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        To examine what factors determine the period of each oscillation:

  • How does the Bouncer's operation depend on the size of the infant?
  • What effect has the sort of back up on the bounce?


        The oscillation pattern of such a mass-spring organisation can exist characterised as a harmonic oscillator.


        The things which can be inverse in such a system that will impact the menstruum of each oscillation are:

  • The mass of the baby (load)
  • The material which the spring back up is composed of
  • The length of the spring support
  • The stiffness of the bound support
  • The strength of the spring support
  • The thickness of the spring back up
  • The amplitude

        [Whether the baby bounces up and down in a vertical style or whether he or she imparts a rotational move or forward/backward movement will take some touch on on the oscillation period].

        The above points are called variables and experiments could be conducted to investigate the effect of changes in each variable (whether absolute, such every bit irresolute the material of the leap back up, or progressive, such as the addition of progressively large masses to the leap back up to make up one's mind its elasticity.) In guild to perform each serial of experiments it would be necessary to go along all of the other components of the aquiver system constant ( constants ), whilst altering the specific variable to be investigated.


        Looking at each variable in plow:

  • The mass  of the babe (load):   This is investigated and analysed subsequently in this study . In summary, it can be seen from the experimental data that the jump used obeyed Hooke'south Law  (discussed in more than detail later on in the study). The spring used was composed of ductile material (a material which tin can be stretched).

                        The probable affect of increasing the load on the menses of oscillation is that the oscillation menses will increase in elapsing.

  • The material  which the leap support is composed of:   Usually leap supports are made out of metal or rubber. There is an increasing trend, for prophylactic reasons, for the bound support to be made out of rubber. Employing different materials in the construction of the leap support would take a direct issue on the elapsing flow of the oscillation, for example rubber, has a Immature Modulus 0.01 GPa, Atomic number 82 eighteen GPa, Aluminium 70 GPa, Contumely 90 – 110 GPa, Copper 130 GPa and steel 210 GPa. The Young Modulus is the ratio of stress to strain resulting from tensile  forces, provided Hooke's Constabulary is obeyed.
  • Length  of the spring back up:    Because springs are coiled, they can extend significantly fifty-fifty nether a relatively small load. The extension is intimately associated with variables such every bit force, thickness, fabric etc. If the wire the jump is made of was not coiled, it would still be possible to stretch it, merely this could accept a relatively large force.

In practise, almost metals are non particularly elastic and normally can but exist stretched by circa 0.1% of their original length. Beyond this they become permanently deformed. However, rubber is not as stiff, and strains of several hundred pct are achievable. The period of oscillation of the Baby Bouncer will exist affected by the length of the spring support because the longer the support the longer the period of oscillation.

  • The stiffness  & the strength  of the spring:    To modify the shape of the spring, a pair of forces is required:

                                When a jump is squashed, (thus shortening it), the forces are pinch forces, but when the leap is stretched the forces are tensile forces .

                                The terms " stiffness " and " force " sometimes tin can be dislocated. However, "stiffness" describes the spring'due south inertia to existence extended or compressed, whereas "strength" quantifies how much stress  (defined as the load acting per unit of measurement of cross-sectional area of the wire) is required to reach the indicate when the material breaks. The value of stress at this point is called the ultimate tensile stress  of the material.

                                It is interesting to note that ductile  materials showroom plastic behaviour across the elastic limit  and become permanently deformed. The stiffness of the spring back up is likely to touch the oscillation menses of the system since an increase in stiffness should result in a decrease in period fourth dimension due to less extension. The college the strength of the spring, the more likely that the oscillation menstruum will exist lengthened.

  • Thickness  of the spring:    With an increase in thickness it follows that the cross sectional area increases. Hence, information technology is likely that a thicker bound will outcome in a shorter oscillation flow than a thinner spring, provided that other factors are kept abiding.
  • The Amplitude :   This is the maximum distance that an object moves from its equilibrium position. A simple harmonic oscillator moves dorsum and forth between the two positions of maximum deportation, at x  = A  and 10  = - A . I believe that the likely touch of an increase in aamplitude is an increase in period time as oscillation will increase.
  • In that location are other factors  which could touch on the oscillation period of a leap in an extremely pocket-sized way, such as air resistance, frictional resistance and temperature.


        The menstruation of oscillation in a existent Baby Bouncer organisation is of critical importance. This is considering the safety aspects of such a organisation are of paramount importance since a baby is fragile and highly sensitive to stresses and strains. The brain, internal organs, muscular and skeletal systems of an infant at this phase, are in the procedure of development, hence must be treated carefully.

        Additionally, the objective of using a Baby Bouncer from the parents' perspective is to assist the baby's preparation for learning to walk and too, used correctly, the babe exercises its legs muscles and tin have nifty fun. Therefore a sensible flow of oscillation is desirable for optimum usage and enjoyment.

        If the frequency is too high the effect on the baby's ride could be dangerous, manifesting itself in the baby being shaken around and possible regurgitating it's food. Also, a loftier frequency could consequence in harm to the infant's muscles and internal organs. The baby could get scared of the Baby Bouncer and broken-hearted about being placed in information technology on future occasions. Hence, it is vital that the manufacturers of the Baby Bouncer ensure that the jump support exhibits physical characteristics which ensure that this does not happen.

        In improver, if the frequency is besides high it could create structural faults within the leap, which could create a dangerous state of affairs and may too prevent the bouncer from being safely used again.

        By contrast, if the frequency is too low the baby may become bored and find it less fun. Additionally, the bound could eventually become excessively stretched, reducing the eventual elasticity of the spring.

        Thus, it can be seen how important information technology is for companies which industry Baby Bouncing systems to carefully acquit experiments in order to make up one's mind the optimal system configuration for the product to be sold successfully. It is not just the aesthetic entreatment of a billowy system which volition sell it, merely more importantly, the prophylactic profile of the system. In the unfortunate event of such a system's failure it could lead to significant injury to the babe and possible legal implications. (If such an event did occur, the security of fixing the Infant Bouncer to the door frame would have to exist examined, in addition to whether the door frame was in good status, i.e. had physical integrity and was not rotten etc.).

        The scientists / engineer'due south working for a Baby Bouncer manufacturer would apply a tensile testing motorcar  capable of producing big compressive and tensile forces to investigate the physical characteristics of the spring back up.

        The oscillation characteristics of whatsoever Babe Bouncer organization will respond to the range of variables previously listed. In addition, the articulation (limb) kinematics and muscle activation patterns produced by infants who take developed differing bouncing skill levels will have touch on on the oscillation characteristics of the system. The human relationship between several components of bouncing could be determined (in order to investigate the difference between a "skilled" and a "less-skilled" infant in terms of billowy ability).

        The components which could be investigated could be:

  • The oscillation design of the mass-spring system which can be characterised as a harmonic oscillator ;
  • The babe's contribution to the billowy behaviour, which can be characterised in function every bit a forcing function and in part equally a harmonic oscillator ;
  • The combination of these 2 components which corresponds to the output (or the bouncing behaviour).



        To investigate the touch on of mass on the catamenia of oscillation in a Baby Bouncer


        I predict that a steady increase in mass volition result in a steady increment in the catamenia of oscillation, from my general and scientific noesis.

        It was credible, from observation of my younger brother when he was a baby, that he was able to bounce very quickly in his Babe Bouncer. The menses of oscillation looked to be shorter than the oscillation menstruation when he was six months older, when he had gained considerable weight (mass). Although his leg muscles may take increased in power and size, I believe the predominant reason as to why the menstruation of oscillation on his Baby Bouncer was longer, at an older age, was due to his increment in mass.

Hooke'southward Police  is a well known constabulary which states that the ' Extension (x) produced in an object is proportional to the load applied (F), provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded'. This means that an increase in mass volition outcome in an increase in extension length of the bound. Appropriately, the period of oscillation will increment considering the leap has to extend further, due to the increased extension. Information technology also ways that a decrease in mass results in a decrease in extension, therefore a reduced catamenia of oscillation, due to the spring having to extend less. This tin can be illustrated below:

        Hooke'due south Law may be written as F  =  k 10, where k  = F / 10 and is called the spring constant (otherwise known as the spring'due south stiffness ). This is the force per unit extension, (or the force needed to extend the jump by one metre in length).

                 Strain is sometimes expressed every bit a percentage.

        The stiffness  of the spring material that is undergoing experimental stretching tin can be calculated by the ratio  of stress to strain. This is chosen the Immature Modulus of the material:

        Young MODULUS   =   STRESS  ÷  STRAIN

        (Young modulus units are commonly Pascals (Pa) or Nm -2 )

        Hence, the Immature Modulus is the ratio of stress to strain resulting from tensile forces, provided that Hooke'south Law is obeyed.

        The Young Modulus of a particular textile making upwards the spring back up of a Baby Bouncer 'describes' its caste of stiffness when the cloth is acting in an rubberband way. Hooke'due south Constabulary is obeyed until a discontinuity occurs in the physical structure of the spring support and the elastic limit of the material is reached, (thus it approaches breaking point).This did non occur in this experiment.

        It is imperative to ensure in a Baby Bouncer that the elastic limit of the spring support is never reached (for prophylactic reasons, primarily).

        The elastic limit  is the point (only afterwards the limit of proportionality)  beyond which the jump support would cease to demonstrate physical elasticity (i.e. in the sense that it does not return to its original shape and size when the distorting force [in this case, the Baby'due south weight] is removed).

        The betoken, just after  the elastic limit, at which a distorting force causes a major change in the material of the spring is termed the yield point.

        In a ductile material, (i.e. a textile which tin can be stretched), the internal structure alters because the intermolecular bonds between the molecular layers break and the layers flow over 1 another. This change is termed plastic deformation  (the fabric becomes plastic). It continues as the forcefulness is increased and the material eventually breaks. [A breakable material, by dissimilarity, will break at its yield betoken].

What Is the Spring Constant K of the Spring Being Tested for the Baby Bouncer
